Get products from our database
Retailed provides an extremely granular querying language through all APIs. Each API takes the same syntax and fully supports all options.
Parameter defines the Retailed private key to use.
Operator | Description |
equals | The value must be exactly equal. |
not_equals | The query will return all documents where the value is not equal. |
greater_than | For numeric or date-based fields. |
greater_than_equal | For numeric or date-based fields. |
less_than | For numeric or date-based fields. |
less_than_equal | For numeric or date-based fields. |
like | Case-insensitive string must be present. If string of words, all words must be present, in any order. |
contains | Must contain the value entered, case-insensitive. |
in | The value must be found within the provided comma-delimited list of values. |
not_in | The value must NOT be within the provided comma-delimited list of values. |
all | The value must contain all values provided in the comma-delimited list. |
exists | Only return documents where the value either exists (true) or does not exist (false). |
Query Parameters
An example of a query parameter for the name field.
An example of a query parameter for the sku field.
The page number to return. Defaults to 1. You can paginate with the totalPages
in the response.
Retailed find queries support a sort parameter through all APIs. Pass the name of a top-level field to sort by that field in ascending order. Prefix the name of the field with a minus symbol (”-”) to sort in descending order. Because sorting is handled by the database, the field you wish to sort on must be stored in the database to work; not a virtual field.
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